Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 2

Saturday was a great day, I stayed clear of the mass media. Slept in Saturday morning then worked on some take home finals. After all that, my family and I went downtown for dinner to celebrate my mom and brothers birthday. The restaurant we went to didn't have a lot of T.V's so it was easy to sit away from them. The only music that was playing was that of the mariachi's. Instead of being on my phone while waiting for our table, I kept my phone on silent and in my moms purse. Friends of mine knew about this project so they didn't contact me through text, for once it was phone calls. Downtown was nice because I was able to enjoy the company of those around me and talk with my brother and his girlfriend, they are super funny together. Honestly, I don't really have a problem being without my phone. I would say watching movies in my room has been the hardest for me because I always have a movie playing in the background. So the past two days has been pretty silent in my room, however I do hear my brother and my cousin playing Xbox and that's entertaining!
This project was not as bad as it was played out to be. Yes, this allows more face to face time, and I'm not as cellphone or computer absorbed as I usually was. Taking a break from mass media I think, is good. It's like a breath of fresh air.

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