Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 1

I never realized how much of my daily life was really revolved around mass media. When given this assignment, I thought of how easy it was going to be since I wasn’t much of a TV person and how my little boy is just such a big distraction. I was definitely wrong especially since my little boy went to his grandmother’s house and I had plenty of time for myself. Since it was Saturday, I didn’t need an alarm or anything to wake me up. I started to get ready and took a shower just like I always do every morning. Then I proceeded to get my little one ready for his visit to grandma’s house. Everything seemed fine, until I was driving home. I usually call my friends on my way back from dropping him off since it’s the few minutes that I have by myself. I also turn on the radio, which I could not do. As soon as I got home, I told myself I was going to work on homework all day long. I sat down in the living room and turned on my computer to begin working. As I was reading my assignment, I realized I wanted some noise so I turned on the TV for some background noise. I didn’t even think about it! I had mentioned this project to my brother and when he walked into the living room, he asked me why the TV was on. It was so funny because it didn’t even click right away. A couple of hours passed and of course while doing my homework, I caught myself clicking on ‘new tab’ on my browser to open up Facebook. I had given up Facebook before and it hadn’t been hard at all but for some reason the fact that I couldn’t get on, made it more tempting. I still refrained. As far as texting goes, I left my phone in my room just so I wouldn’t get on it. I even deleted my Facebook application just so I wouldn’t randomly click it, like I always do even when I just closed the application. Thankfully, it was finally time to pick up my little boy around four, so I left without radio and without phone. It was the most boring ride of my life. When I brought him home, he fell asleep so I, of course, took a nap with him. The rest of the day, I spent outside with him and my parents, and just enjoyed the evening. It’s very rare that I go outside but since TV wasn’t allowed, I figured I might as well. It really was one of the best evenings spent with him, because he was having so much fun. I realized that being outside was way better than being inside even though he had tons of toys. He much rather spend time out on the jungle gym than playing with any of his things inside. Nighttime, was a little harder though. It’s usually my unwinding time where I watch TV after he falls asleep to go to bed. So instead of watching TV, I finished up some homework and went to bed early. I know I definitely had some slip ups. I honestly thought I would slip up with texting but I actually turned on the TV more. The radio while driving was definitely very hard just because the distance I drive to and from his other grandmother’s house is so long. I am more aware now of how much I use mass media.

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