Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, Day 2

Saturday morning my alarm was my dog jumping into my bed. Since she learned how to jump higher than a foot she’s always on the furniture now. All the jumping finally made me get up so I walked over to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. My dad had the newspaper lying on the table so I decided to read and this was probably the fourth or fifth time I’ve picked up a newspaper to read. Now I may be over exaggerating but it’s defiantly a low count on how many times I read anything like a newspaper for “fun”. Reading through all the sections I learned a thing or two about what is actually going on. After I finished I went to go get ready for the day and passing through the living room and seeing my dad watch TV was probably the highlight of my morning even though it was sports center. Once I got done getting ready my dad and I went on a hike with my God Mother to have some lunch and so I probably spent the rest of the day with them until I had to go into work later that night. Work defiantly kept me busy and unconcerned about my deprivation considering we’re not aloud to use our phones. Luckily though I got out of work early and so driving home yet again with no music was irritating. Though I made it home without cheating and giving into the temptation of just pressing that button to turn on the Radio. Once I got home and changed out of my work clothes my Saturday night was pretty dull. I did the laundry, picked up around the house, and read over something’s for school. After all that I just picked up one my books on the shelves something my dad had by Dean Koontz. Having read a good chunk I slowly started to fall asleep feeling good about my dedication. All in all being surrounded my people all weekend with the busy events already planned helped me and really had me not notice other than when I was driving alone in the car.

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