Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday, Day One

Today was Mother’s day and was probably one of the easier days to choose for restraint from any source of outside media. Nevertheless, it was still quite difficult for me to not watch TV, check on sports through, and check my social media and much more. My entire family revolves around sports and staying up to date on the latest updates for sports in our news. Therefore, staying out of the living room while they were watching the morning news sports as well as games, etc. was very difficult. I am a big golf and basketball avid, and with both sports being played this weekend it made it extremely difficult for me not to watch them. I have to admit I did sit at home and watch both on TV, but I was not on my cell phone like I usually am. I only used it for texting my parents. After I was done watching TV I went to my girlfriend’s house, and on the way over there I turned the radio off. I have to admit that was the most boring car ride I have ever taken. Listening to the engine can get kind of repetitive. However, the bright side to doing so can give you some time for deeper thinking and can help you remember things that may have been pushed to the back of your mind during the earlier days chaos. Once I arrived at my girlfriends house her parents were watching TV, I did ignore the TV and picked up a magazine to go read in the backyard. After spending some time outside not being able to watch TV with them inside, we went to go get something to eat We rode in the car together so this time listening to the stereo was not difficult to restrain from. Car rides are always joyous when there is more than one person in the car and conversation can happen. It was a great car ride with wonderful conversation and no stereo. I refrained from looking at my phone as well throughout the car ride and throughout the remainder of the day. It was very difficult to not look up the stats of the golf tournament or basketball games but in order to feel the way we used to without all sorts of media technology at our finger tips I was willing to step outside of my comfort zone and give it a shot. With all of this said, I never realized how much today’s society relies on all of the mass media until you do a project like this one. Going from having the ability to use your cell phone, watch TV, playing on the computer etc, to not being able to use anything the next day may be a little overwhelming for some, just like it was for me. I feel like I would not be able to adapt to not being able to use everything I am use to using everyday. I have learned that we rely greatly on technology and what it stands for. From news update, to the latest sports scores and staying in contact with our closets friends and family we depend greatly on these forms of media that keep us up to date, all of the time.

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