Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 2 - Saturday

Once again I wake up pretty late, around 1pm! I stayed out last night with my friends and I did end up watching some television because we wen't to Wingstop. It felt pretty good to be updated with all the basketball games that were going on. I felt like I was dying. I haven't used my computer at all, it's becoming less and less important now that cellphones are so productive. Not checking your phone every 10 minutes feels so calm and peaceful. I did forget to check Blackboard for one of my classes and I missed a deadline for a project. But I guess that was mostly my fault for forgetting.

I have been receiving all my news through word of mouth this weekend. Nothing major has happened, at least not with me.
I will admit that I have checked my phone's text messages twice to look for anything important. Today is mother's day so I did call some relatives and talked to them briefly. There are some family members I must keep in touch with so I had no choice. I realized the best way to keep myself entertained was just to hang out with friends. Time goes by so much faster when you're with them. I can't wait for this to be over so I can get back to my normal technology filled lifestyle.

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