Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Two, Saturday

Saturday wasn't as bad as Friday. Since my mom didn't have to go to work we went shopping and I bought her lunch as an early Mother's Day gift. I did listen to music but that's because my mom didn't want to turn her car radio off. "My car, my rules, my radio," she told me as we left the house. She really got a kick out of me asking her to either change the channel or to turn the radio off. I'm not much of a Bobby Darin fan. It felt so good to finally leave the house and go somewhere other than school or work. By the time we got home I had to get ready for work, so I didn't really have a chance to be tempted by mass media. We weren't too busy at work becuase apparently there was a fight that night and most people were watching the fight instead of going to the movies. Since we didn't have the average Saturday night crowd I was able to enjoy the music playing in the lobby and kitchen, it was much better than the kind of hectic Friday night. All day Friday and Saturday my parents kept the TV off, but when I got home early from work, which was around 11pm they just left the TV on and seemed glad that this was almost over. As excited as I was to see the TV on I wasn't much a big fan of what we were watching and I couldn't change the channel.

It felt so good to get up this Sunday morning turn the TV on and flip nonstop throught the channels for about 5mins. I have noticed that I may depend a little too much on mass media, but I also know that I can do without mass media. It was kind of a relief not having to reply to every text message or to answer the phone whenever it rang. I also felt accomplished having finished my homework before the weekend was over. I'm not sure if I would willing do this again, but I feel proud to say that I can live without mass media.

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