Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 1 Sat.

Saturday started out like any other, except I slept in and woke up late for work. I had to open the store, so any sort of media wasn’t even an option. Whilst speeding to make it on time, I didn’t even turn on the radio. You would think with no radio I would have time for some introspection, but that wasn’t the case. I had the tunnel vision. Being at AutoZone is not a great place to escape mass media. The radio is constantly on. I am answering telephones left and right, and I am receiving text messages from my boss and my boss’s boss. I was supposed to get off work at noon, but one of my fellow co-workers decided his food poisoning was more important than work. While working a double shift it got hauntingly slow. No customers for hours. All this free time gave me the ability to just think. I was wondering what it was going to be like that night. Not being able to use any sort of mass media medium. These mediums include my cellular, my television, my radio, my computer with the internet access, and many more. After my shift ended I was driving around in my car and it really hit home when I was listening to the sound of wind for twenty minutes. I needed something to occupy my time. I decided to go to O.P. Schnabel and ride my bike to burn off all this excess energy. It was odd riding without my iPod, but peaceful at the same time. I took it all in, the sounds of the wind rustling the branches and my tires on the rocky terrain and the scenery was just idyllic. Without the distractions of the outside world I could really appreciate what I had in front of me.

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