Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday morning i slept till 10:30. After my morning routine i walked down the hall to the Kitchen/Dining Room to eat breakfast. I was surprised to see that the tv wasn't when i looked into the den but i didn't say anything because knowing my luck as soon as i opened my mouth somebody would have grabbed the remote. After breakfast the family made the thirty second (approximately) drive to the little polish catholic church down the street, the radio was on but i let it slide because it was a good song. When we arrived at the church we began setting up the visitor center to welcome the two car clubs that would be stopping in Panna Maria that day. When they arrived we all took pictures of the classic muscle cars and custom hot rods. This lasted until about 2 in the afternoon. After we closed down the visitor center we went back to the house where me, my Dad and my Grandpa went to work on the tree house that we were refurbishing for my little cousins. After about an hour my grandpa turned on the radio in his truck. I didn't want to put a damper on anything so again i just let it slide. We finally finished the tree house about five in the afternoon. Me and my dad decided we should go shoot trap until dinner was ready so we grabbed the clay target thrower and headed down to the field by the river and shot until about seven thirty. When we got back to the house my grandma had george strait playing and i just thought to myself "what the heck" turned it up a little. about ten minutes later we ate dinner, so it was about 8:30 at this time. I went ahead and turned on the tv to see if there were any basketball games on. After finishing the basketball game my immediate family loaded up the car and headed back home listening to the radio. I still avoided using my cell phone and the computer though.

P.S. sorry its late, we took momma out for dinner and just got home.

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