Monday, May 9, 2011

Jessica Flores Day 2

I woke up Saturday morning around the same time I did Friday. Enough time to roll out of bed and get to work on time. This day was a little slower than the day before and I knew I needed something to occupy me that wasn't my phone. I took two books with me to work thinking this was a great time to catch up on some reading. After an hour or so I realized... wait, isn't reading a considered media as well?! I then put down the book I was reading and used this time as an advantage to get some homework done. I tried to execute a "loop hole" so I then started reading my history book that I brought along, but it wasn't easy to keep focus on. Being at work was already boring and trying to read for my history exam as well was a challenge. I kid you not, I found myself reading the same lines over and over and nothing stayed in my head.
I quickly closed the book and just sat in silence for a few minutes. I couldn't wait for the mid person to come in so I had someone to talk to. In the mean time I messed with the toys that had been sitting in the box office from the lost and found.

They even have names. The one one the left is Stoney and the one on the right is Bob.

Call me a dork but honestly for me, this project was tough to follow.
Anyway... work was work and when I finally got home I had to cook for my love so my mind was occupied. When I waited for him to get home my company I had was the beer in my hand.

Day 2

Today began as my normal routine on a typical workday. As opposed to using my phone for an alarm clock I decide to use my old alarm clock in order to stay away from that from of media. When I was awakened by my alarm I headed downstairs and ate breakfast at the table, No TV, no music, just time to think and talk with my mom. Not watching sports center before I headed to my sports affiliated job was difficult, I might add. As I loaded up for work I placed my phone in my pocket for emergency reasons to follow the guidelines. On my way to work I rolled the windows down as it was a cool morning and just listened to the ways of the road. I must say I enjoy listening to the radio more than the wind but this is all a learning experience, right? It was painful this morning, though. Today I worked from 9:00am to 6:30pm. I work at Team Express which is a business that takes sales orders over the phone and online for various sports teams and individual orders. It is obviously difficult to stay out of the media (phone and computer) in order to complete my job tasks but for today I only used these medias for this purpose only. I usually get on my phone in between calls and on my lunch break and today I had to refrain from doing so (which made for a very boring solo lunch break). Not being able to do anything while I was in between a call or order also made for a very slow day. However, to keep my self busy I went to my truck and removed some homework from my backpack and in between calls I worked on Accounting. Now, I must say, this was a plus to this assignment! As opposed to getting updated on sports and surfing the web and or playing games I got homework done while getting paid! J Not too shabby if you ask me. But, I still like my media!

Day 2

I had good intentions when I woke up Sunday morning because of mother's day and all, but Sunday was actually worse than Saturday. It might have been the combination of being out of town and having no media but I just wanted to get home! I woke up kind of early and got ready, but then after that is was just complete boredom! I honestly slept majority of the day. After I got dressed I went to sit in the living room with no TV and feel asleep. Then I woke up to eat lunch and went back to sleep afterwards. I do not know how long I was asleep but by the time I woke up it was time for us to get ready to go home. I will admit I did cheat on Sunday. I had to send out happy mother's day texts to people and on Facebook. When we finally got home it was really quite for awhile because I could not watch TV in my room and my parents did not turn on their TV till later. I wrote in my journal again that night and I actually read a little bit of a book I like. Overall I think having completely no media make me crabby because I am so bored, but I did realize that there are some things I could cut back on... I do not need to be watching TV all the time and I can go without my phon and Ipod. There are so many other things I should be doing that I do not do because I get so caught up watching Tv or on my phone or on my Ipod. I did not like this project at all and I thought it would go a lot better, but I did learn that media does consume my life and I do need to separate myslef from some of that sometimes.

Day 1

I woke up early Saturday morning but remembered I could not use any media devices so I went back to sleep since I figured I would be bored anyways. When I woke up again later things seemed to be going OK. I ate breakfast with my family and then went upstairs to do my nails. After I finished getting dressed is when the boredom started to kick in. We had planned to go to the movies and then out to eat afterwards but waiting for everyone to get ready made me crabby because I did not have anything to do. I tried hanging out outside for a little bit but there was nothing really to do out there and it was hot so I came back inside. I am not much of a book reader. I really have to be in the mood to read and this weekend was not the reading kind of weekend. So I ended up staying in the living room staring off into space while my family watched TV. I did a lot of thinking this weekend. That is all I really could do since my family was occupied with the TV and when they did talk is was about something they were watching. I felt like a little kid being punished for doing something wrong. I hated it! Luckily we got out of the house for a little bit and I felt normal again, but then once we got home I was back to being bored with nothing to do. I did not cheat on Saturday, except for hearing the TV from the other room and checking the time on my phone but I do not think that really counts. Before I went to bed I wrote in my journal. I actually had a lot to write about, I guess since I did so much thinking the whole day. Day 1 was not too bad I guess...

day 2

on Sunday i went to sleep like at 5 am and didn't use my phone or a computer, because i was not in my house and i didn't need my phone. i was at my friends house just talking with my friends.
then i went to sleep and one of my friends wake me up like at 3 pm so i didn't feel weird or disconnected from the world until i got home i was feeling weird and then i forgot that i needed to do homework for accounting and i needed to do it in the computer so i broke the rules to not fail my class of accounting, at least i didnt use my phone or listen to music meanwhile i was doing the homework. i didnt feel anything because i was too stressed doing the homework.
and i think this project make me realized that i depend on the mass media too much, because im getting use to do everything in my phone and in my computer, and trying to not use them for 48 hours it made my life unbalanced.

Bullet Proof Vets? You have got to be KIDDING ME!!!!

Today began the same as yesterday, except i was far more tired. Once at the show I once again decided i would try to avoid my phone at all costs. Unfortunatly, the only two people that I highly dislike had decided to take their lesson kids to this show. I had succesfully avoided them for two days, when I came around corners they were quick to get out of the way and avert their eyes. Yet today, the last day of the show one of them chose to send me an ugly text. Once I read it I quickly responded letting them know that between riding my own 5 year old Warmblood, helping another girl at our barn, helping my trainer prepare for her own tests, and looking after my best friends 2 year old warmblood that I did not have time to deal with her silly nonsense. After the incident I must admit that i borrowed my friends iphone to get online just long enough to block the individuals number so i didnt have to hear from her anymore. I continued through the rest of my day not using and media and conversing with the people and horses around me. After the show we loaded up tack and horses and began our ride home. I had forgotten to change the inspection sticker on the trailer so when i saw the red and blue light show behind me I immediatly let a curse word or two slip in front of the 8 year old that I am a nanny for. I slowly pulled off to the side of the road which is not an easy task on a two lane back road in an older model F-250 pulling a full four horse trailer. The Officer sped around me, and I slowed as i realized that there were 15 or so cop cars blocking off a stretch of road in front of me all obviously pointed at an old rock home that I often admire in Grey Forest. I tried my best to get the trailer under some tree shade so the horses wouldnt over heat as I waited to find out when we would be able to move on. I quickly noticed to 30 or so officers panicked and serious demeanor, I instructed Lauryn (the eight year old girl I am a nanny for) and Bailey (a 16 year old girl that i have known since she was two) to sit down on the floor in the back seat. The moment the girls adjusted themselves on the floor the officers quickly began putting on their bulllet proof vest and in what seemed like seconds all of the officers had their guns pointed up at the home on the hill that was just out of sight. I decided that this situation qualified as emergency so I texted the mother of another girl from our barn that was following us home to get low in their car and texted another trainer whos barn is down the street from our own and told her to take another route home. I would have called them but i decided that explaining "why" to the people I texted would not help stop the crying coming from the little girl in my back seat. The scene continued on and finally a gentleman fromt he fire department came over and helped me turn my trailer around in an area that I would have sworn it couldnt have be done in. After the fiasco of the day i chose to shut off my phone, crawl into bed and try to catch up on sleep. The two days of being cut off from the entire world was refreshing. I was able to focus more on the situation i was in, instead of communicating with people that were not with me. I often wonder if people are really meant to live this way. With the ability to talk to any one anytime without even having to use their voice, instanantly being informed of every tragedy around the world, and access to any information you could possibly fathom on the internet. Today is monday and I have spent my entire day on the computer preparing for finals and listening to music and to be completely honest, I couldnt give up the music but I would trade the internet, social networks, television, constant stream of news, and movies for spending my days outside with people being active, in a heart beat.


This media deprevation project just so happened to fall on a weekend that was perfect. Today i was at a high end Horse Show at the Rose Palace in San Antonio so using my computer was not an option. Along with the lack of access to normal media, the conscious effort not to use it allowed me to focus more on the situations at hand. I began my morning at 5:00 being woken up by the horrible beeping sounds of a basic electric alarm clock. After washing my face, brushing my teeth and throwing on jeans, tshirt and boots I dragged my half-asleep ass down to the barn. I fed the horses that had remained on the farm, completed my basic list of barn chores and loaded up the two horses that we chose not to leave on the show grounds overnight and drove the 20 minutes to the Rose Palace in silence drinking my coffee, smoking my first ciggarette and gathering my thoughts for the day ahead. While i am a music junkie it was nice to enjoy the sounds of the morning and actually have time to think about what was coming in the day ahead instead of jamming to whatever current hit i chose to blast on my radio. When i arrived at the grounds i was "forced" to listen to the country tunes that were being played over the sound system in the stall area, but next to the Dressage arena i was surrounded by the silence that is always expected during tests. Due to the dangerous nature of the sport i choose to participate in i kept my cell phone handy in case any one from my barn needed to get in touch with me or a 911 call was nessecary. Through the day i ignored my phone and allowed myself to be fully engaged in the small horse world vibe that Horse Shows contain. I was able to make new contacts, meet interesting new people and watch several extremely impressive rides since my eyes were not glued to my phone screen. When i got home late that night i was way too tired to even consider doing anything but falling into bed. First day of Media Deprevation complete!

day 2

My Sunday started out better than most. I woke up to the smell of freshly fried bacon and I didn’t have to do anything all day. I was not used to this amount of free time. I guess it was my cross to bear. But, it was mother’s day and I had to do something. So what do you do for mom on Mother’s Day when you can’t use any media? Exactly, you take her to the lake to party with all of her friends and their families. Did I know anybody? No. But, who cares? I was there for the same reason as everybody else to have a good time. I met a couple characters and good times were had by all. The clock had reached three o’clock in the pm, and I had managed to not break any rules I was proud of myself. Then my phone started vibrating. I broke. I had to check to see what it could be. It’s my brother needing a helping hand to move out of his dorm… in college station. With the offer of my gas being reimbursed, I couldn’t really say no. After packing the truck for the trip, I realized not using the radio will be a test of wills on my part. While leaving the San Antonio city limits, I got to thinking about life, more specifically my life and what I was going to do with it. I was currently undecided in my academic pursuits. I knew what I liked and what I didn’t like. But, the drive for one particular field was just not in me. So I spent the better part of the trip to College Station trying to think deep down for the career that would make me most happy. I can’t say that I pin pointed it but I got pretty close. I must thank my professor for the sound of wind for four hours. After I helped my brother move, it was time to head back. It was one in the morning, technically Monday, so I drove home with the music blasting the whole way.

day 2

My Sunday started out better than most. I woke up to the smell of freshly fried bacon and I didn’t have to do anything all day. I was not used to this amount of free time. I guess it was my cross to bear. But, it was mother’s day and I had to do something. So what do you do for mom on Mother’s Day when you can’t use any media? Exactly, you take her to the lake to party with all of her friends and their families. Did I know anybody? No. But, who cares? I was there for the same reason as everybody else to have a good time. I met a couple characters and good times were had by all. The clock had reached three o’clock in the pm, and I had managed to not break any rules I was proud of myself. Then my phone started vibrating. I broke. I had to check to see what it could be. It’s my brother needing a helping hand to move out of his dorm… in college station. With the offer of my gas being reimbursed, I couldn’t really say no. After packing the truck for the trip, I realized not using the radio will be a test of wills on my part. While leaving the San Antonio city limits, I got to thinking about life, more specifically my life and what I was going to do with it. I was currently undecided in my academic pursuits. I knew what I liked and what I didn’t like. But, the drive for one particular field was just not in me. So I spent the better part of the trip to College Station trying to think deep down for the career that would make me most happy. I can’t say that I pin pointed it but I got pretty close. I must thank my professor for the sound of wind for four hours. After I helped my brother move, it was time to head back. It was one in the morning, technically Monday, so I drove home with the music blasting the whole way.

DAY 2 - Mother's Day

So my day two of the media deprivation project was on Mother's Day. I thought, for sure that today would be way easier than yesterday just because I had planned the whole day outside in the pool with the family. Thankfully, once again I didn't need an alarm for this Sunday morning so I just woke up when my little boy was ready. I left my phone in my room again and began the day. First, my dad cooked my mother and me a delicious Mother's Day breakfast and we opened the small little gifts we had gotten each other. As we were sitting at the table my mom's phone kept going off with text messages from family and friends wishing her a Happy Mother's Day. This of course got my mind wondering who had texted me. Instead of looking at my phone, I got ready to swim, along with my son. We went outside and of course, my dad had the music blaring. I really wasn't going to put a damper on everyone's day by saying no music! I just couldn't do it. (haha) Eventually, my son started to get very sleepy so I retreated back into the house to put him asleep. This is where I broke. As I laid down to take a nap, I reached over to my phone and started reading and responding to all the mother's days texts I had received. I didn't want to be rude to all the very nice people who had texted me. It was out of pure common courtesy that I was forced to text, if you'll believe that of course. Once we woke up from our nap, we went back outside to eat and enjoy the rest of the day. By the end of the day, yes, I watched TV with my mother. It's really amazing how much media goes on in our daily lives. I would love to say that I don't need any sort of media but I think I would go a little crazy without them. I did discover, like I mentioned in the previous post that it was way harder to be deprived from the radio and TV than it was to be texting. Also, I cheated and got on Facebook, but like I said, it was out of pure common courtesy to wish all the mothers who had wished me a happy mother's day. I think and hope that one day I could go a good while without texting, Facebook, or TV.

Day 2: Sunday May 8th

So I obviously broke the rules this morning in order to call my mom and grandma for mother's day... and even now as I type this post from my cell phone. I haven't been home all day so I decided to use my phone instead of computer. Like yesterday I woke up late and went for another swim. With a clean apartment thanks to my hyper-productiveness, I actually read a couple magazines instead of just skim through and just look at the pictures. Eventually my friends came over and we played monopoly. Of course, I won. After being a monopoly beast I craved mcalisters. I did use my phone another time, but it was to get show-times at the palladium in stead of using a "app" or Google. We decided to watch "Fast Five". It was so great to get out again and be surrounded by people...."is this real life?" The movie was awesome! Midnight was fast approaching and I couldn't wait to recharge my brain with useless status updates and pictures of peoples vacations. I'm surprised I didn't break the rules that much. The deprivation defiantly changed how I communicated... I didn't. Other than the times I was with friends I had no communication with anyone. If it wouldn't have been for my pre-planning, I wouldn't have had friends over. I don't think we are the dumbest generation. If anything it is the generation before us that is for allowing us to use new technology mostly as leisure and not resource. If school curriculum was altered in order to include intensive reading and writing there would probably be a lot less essays with text speech. I enjoyed living under a rock for two days. Good luck to everyone taking finals!

I might have to post my blogs a little late because I won't be back home until after 5..
So I started to write my blogs for this weekend but my laptop died &me being the genius that I am, left the charger at home/: so Mr. Lopez if you read this...

Day 1 Sunday

Sunday I thought was going to be a pretty easy day to go without mass media, I was very wrong! At the beginning of the day I was doing well. It started off with waking up and bringing my mom her mothers day card. I thought not using my alarm I would actually be able to sleep in but it didn't happen. After giving her the card we went out into the back yard for about a few hours to check on her plants, we just sat out side and talked. I would have to say that the hardest type of mass media to go without today was the television, I worked 28 hours Friday and Saturday combined I really just wanted to watch a movie and not move for 10 hours. My mother turned the television on and it was how to lose a guy in ten days, and yes I watched it. Then after I went to HEB which took about an hour off my day because it was busy. I was very proud of myself I didn't get on the computer or my cell phone all day! I normally have my cell phone attached to my hand 24 hours a day. It turned out fairly easy for me to not even have my phone near me. When I did finally look at it I had several missed calls and text messages. The only one I answered was my manager at my job because clearly it was job related. Listing to music in the car was one form I thought I couldn't go without, I never rode in the car alone so it wasn't really hard to deal without. It wasn't really hard to unjust to not being able to use mass media, other than when I had to use it for work. If I couldn't use it for my boss to get a hold of me it would be very hard to know when I come in. I work at a bakery and normally when they need extra help they will call me in a extra day that week. It would not only affect me and getting money if I couldn't use my phone it would also affect my job and things getting done. After my mom and I came back from HEB my family showed up with my grandmother. We always spend holidays together, even the little ones. My uncle loves being out side so most of the rest of the day we spent outside in the shade, and looking at my mother garden. They both tried to explain what was growing in my back yard, It so hard to understand plant names. I would have to say my relationship with others was good this day because I was around my family. If I was alone during the day with out mass media it would of been a lot more difficult to go without.

So I wanted to go the whole 48 hours without blogging, and write on the total experience as a whole. I have to admit I hate not being able to use my smartphone for all the reasons I can. It honestly makes my life so much easier, I am pretty sure I would be more frustrated, and stressed without it. Now that's just my smartphone, on the other side of the fence I was also unable to listen to music? This is what killed me the most. I cracked the first day after about ten hours without music in my car aor at home I had to play a few songs to release what I feel. releases stress. I couldn't believe that after two days friends had messaged me on facebook and tumblr asking if I was okay? Makes me feel horrible, considering keeping off of facebook for only two days would cause that. Facebook and social networking sites are not all that important to me. Although I do love my tumblr ,with being able to post pictures along with what I have to say on a certain subject. You can get such good feedback, and when it's someone who appreciates what you appreciate, you appreciate it that much more. Through all the difficulty I encountered this weekend with the not being able to use simple media I learned that you can't take things for granted. The things we are able to do now are phenomenal compared to the longated processes our elders had to go through. Without the use of media in my life I don't think I would be able to be AS succesful as I am. (I would still be succesful) The ability to multitask and handle communication in so many effective ways through a device that I can keep in pocket is something I can't give up. I wouldn't say that my generation is under educated. I would say that's much too broad of a statement. It depends solely on the person and the education system he/she was brought up in. I, personally enjoyed reading as a child and the love followed me into my adult life. I genuinely believe that I owe my vocabulary and excellent grammar skills to my love of reading. Media and technology just allows me to accomplish much more much faster and what is wrong with that? I say nothing! With that said let the techies use the media and tecnology to their advantage!

P.S. Although it was a great learning experience I will never agree to a media deprivation again!


So yesterday I didn't get to go to the mall like I planned to. I was running so late to work it was ridiculous actually. Ive been so lazy lately i hate working so many hours during the day especially when I don't ask for those hours. When I got there I was hoping one of the cool manager would be scheduled because some of them are so rude and unprofessional its annoying! As my day went by at work my cell phone literally kept going off. I didn't answer to anyone mainly because my phone was about to die. I cant seem to find the charger anywhere! Another day without media literally because i stayed at work till about 1 AM. HEB was so packed because of mothers day and my manager kept begging me to stay so I did. After work i walked to the parking lot and one of the employees asked if id like to go eat so I agreed. Of course he had the radio on super loud so that wasn't my fault. I do take the blame for enjoying the song because later on I decided to download the album. I just couldn't resist the temptation! I wanted the cd so bad! After I downloaded the album my best friend called me so i had to answer only because im suppose to be getting another job soon and his boss needs my schedule. Tattoo shop again here I come! Im so excited, finally I can sit around and actually do my homework and get paid to do it! I don't think I can go without certain types of media because I think Id go crazy. Literally like I cant go without using my cell phone because without it I wouldn't be able to interact with people. Not only that but, I wouldn't be able to meet up with friends also. It would be like living in a all white cube with nothing in it. I learned that media is so convenient now a days and without it people wouldn't be able to do their daily routines. I know for a fact if I lost my cell phone with all my contacts,photos and all my notes I would not only cry but I would be so angry with everyone. Its not easy to go without all these things! Media is good and bad for different reasons and I think this project made me realize that the cave men back then had it real bad and we are really lucky to have such technology to do some of our thinking for us due to time consuming situations. Im glad that we had this project because if we didn't I would have never noticed how impossible things would feel like without them. Now im going to do my homework thats due tomorrow. Twelve page paper here I come!