Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 2: Sunday May 8th

So I obviously broke the rules this morning in order to call my mom and grandma for mother's day... and even now as I type this post from my cell phone. I haven't been home all day so I decided to use my phone instead of computer. Like yesterday I woke up late and went for another swim. With a clean apartment thanks to my hyper-productiveness, I actually read a couple magazines instead of just skim through and just look at the pictures. Eventually my friends came over and we played monopoly. Of course, I won. After being a monopoly beast I craved mcalisters. I did use my phone another time, but it was to get show-times at the palladium in stead of using a "app" or Google. We decided to watch "Fast Five". It was so great to get out again and be surrounded by people...."is this real life?" The movie was awesome! Midnight was fast approaching and I couldn't wait to recharge my brain with useless status updates and pictures of peoples vacations. I'm surprised I didn't break the rules that much. The deprivation defiantly changed how I communicated... I didn't. Other than the times I was with friends I had no communication with anyone. If it wouldn't have been for my pre-planning, I wouldn't have had friends over. I don't think we are the dumbest generation. If anything it is the generation before us that is for allowing us to use new technology mostly as leisure and not resource. If school curriculum was altered in order to include intensive reading and writing there would probably be a lot less essays with text speech. I enjoyed living under a rock for two days. Good luck to everyone taking finals!

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