Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 1: Saturday May 7th

I slept in today and did not want to get up knowing what the day had in store. With no T.V. or music to start my day, I started cleaning my apartment. I came across things I had not seen in a long time.I spent about three hours cleaning. It was rewarding to see everything organized. The only sounds I could hear were my air conditioner turning on and off every now and then. It's funny how when you're alone you do not talk for a long time. I am so used to always being with others and hearing music play. Eventually, I opened one of my windows so I could have some background noise. The ambient noises were a relief from the dull silence. Since I had no form of media to entertain me, I decided to create my own. I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. My cat (Badger) kept me entertained for a while. When he got bored with me I went to go sit out on my balcony. The weather and light was great so I decided to take more pictures of some really loud birds in a tree nearby. Knowing I would not be able to text or call anyone, I had planned accordingly the day prior to have friends come over on Saturday and on Sunday. There was no "I'm on my way" or "I'm here" text. It was torture not knowing when my guests would arrive. Finally, I heard a knock at my door. It was such a relief to hear another voice and actually be able to communicate with someone. My friends and I went for a swim and lounged by the pool. Afterwards we drove in the silent cabin of my car listening to the "hum" of the engine on our way to get some lunch/dinner (linner?). I was so jealous watching my friends faces glow in the dim lit restaurant from the light of their cell phones. The first day was not as hard as I expected. I was extremely productive today. Hopefully I can keep myself as busy the next 24 hours.

Definitely going to the movies tomorrow.

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