Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ok so I know we had to post by 5 p.m. and I am way late but I was stuck at work all day so please bear with me. Where do I begin... Well during this experience so far it hasn't been too hard to follow. If it weren't for me working all weekend then I would think otherwise. Friday morning when I woke up it was around 10 o'clock am and I was getting ready for work. I don't watch tv in the morning or anything so staying away from media was easy. Another reason is because my car has no radio and has been like that for about a month now. Driving in silence is something I still haven't gotten used to but I guess for this project it came as an advantage because I wasn't tempted to turn on the radio. Another funny thing was when I got to work the sign I saw in the box office. By the way I work at the Alamo Drafthouse movie theatre in case you were wondering.
This sign is new but isn't it ironic how they put this up and I have to stay away from media anyway?! (ok so I used my phone once just to take this pic because I wanted to post it in this blog... anyway...) Usually I would be on my cell phone playing Angry Birds or something but knowing the consequences, I'm glad it happened this way.
So, I mentioned above how I work at the coolest theatre in town well, honestly I am not a big movie person, so staying away from watching the new releases like Thor, Fast Five, and Something Borrowed, is no bigee. Pfff... like I want to see them anyway. (sarcasm)

I didn't get home till about 9 p.m. that night and all that was on my mind was beer and food. I live with my Fiance so he's the only one I really need to be in contact with anyway.
(chuckling) I feel like I am cheating on this project because things happened to work out so well.
Just Kidding, Okay so not everything was so easy.
I did catch myself slip a few times actually. When I got home from work the TV was already on and I picked up the remote and changed the channel to something that caught my attention. You may laugh but it was Michael Jackson's This is It. It wasn't until a few minutes into it that I realized my time wasn't up yet. I then said out loud, "Oops... I'm not supposed to use media!" I then explained to my fiance the project and you know what he did? He changed the channel to something he knew I hated.

I know there are loop holes but what good are they if it isn't something you enjoy.
(Laugh Out Loud)


  1. Great photo, Jessica. I love going to the Alamo Drafthouse. It's pretty much the only theater I go to these days. Which one do you work at?

  2. Thanks :D Even before I started working there I loved it. I have been working at the one in stone Oak since they opened last November but soon I may be transferring to the one at Park North just because it's closer to where I live.
