Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday , Day 1

I woke up pretty late around 1pm, I'm glad I did because that was a good way to pass time! The first thing I usually do when I wake up is watch TV (ESPN). It felt kind of weird not being able to be instantly connected to the sports world. I was bored so I went to my brothers room and me him just began catching up on things since me and him don't talk very much throughout the week. He was playing the Xbox, but I told him if he would turn it off because of this project.

I decided to go to the mall and spend some time there with my friends. Of course, I was surrounded by mass media everywhere and it was very tempting to start using my electronics like an iPod or cellphone. Giving up my cell phone is not that bad because I've spent plenty of long periods without any cell phone use. I also told my friends beforehand that I would not be able to use my cell this weekend. I mostly like to hang out with my cousin so I told him to come over.

I haven't watched any television at all today, I feel somewhat lost. I'm not much a of a news junky though. Like I mentioned earlier, I love sports especially basketball. I plan to watch the playoff games later at a bar or restaurant, there is no way I can miss an important game. I began to wonder how did people live in the past, before television and radio. They were able to live peacefully, but now we live in a fast-paced society. Everyone is connected to each other through various forms of communications. I don't think I'd be able to survive like this for a long time. I'm so accustomed to my lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Mariano, you're right when you bring up not being able to live without mass media for an extended period of time because we're so used to our digitally dependent lifestyles. Believe me, I'm just as reliant on my cellphone, laptop, et al. and I'm considered a "digital immigrant" since I wasn't really exposed to computers till I was in the 8th grade, and I wasn't exposed to the Internet and email till my junior year in high school. This was around 1996, so there was no social networking and email was the latest technology craze. It's hard to believe that was over 14 years ago; it doesn't feel that long ago.
