Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 1 (friday)

Well, friday morning I tried to sleep as late as possible to avoid idle time and therefore avoid temptation. I got up and got dressed as usual because that part of my routine never really included any type of media. At ten that morning i got in my truck to go pick up my friend Sam to study for our math test. Driving over to her house without any music was near torture. As we drove over to northwest vista we made small talk which really helped me get through the drive. After studying i dropped her off back at her house and went home to grab my work uniform. On my way to work i usually jam out to psych myself up, but no music, just the drone of the exhaust note and the hum of the tires. About half way to work i finally just started singing to myself. When i got to work they didn't need me on the clock yet so it was either sit in the break room and stare at the wall or sit in my truck. So i dug around in my truck looking for something to read and all i found was a Amsoil synthetic motor oil pamphlet, awesome. After reading through the pamphlet and people watching my manager finally called me over to work. After a few hours of working they told me to take a break. So i hopped in my truck and drove across the street to bill millers got my food to go like always and went back across the street and sat in my truck to eat, with no music. After my half hour break i went back to work until 8 when we close. The drive back home was just as boring as the drive to work. When i got home i quickly ran inside to pack because our family was going to my grandparents house which is an hour away. The drive wasn't that bad because we all talked about "stuff". When we arrived at my grandparents house the news was on like always so i watched what was going on in the world for a little while. After that me and my sister decided to go spotlighting for a little while. When we got back to the house i put away the ranger and we went inside. My sister and I weren't really tired even though it was eleven thirty, and since i couldn't watch tv she obliged to play cards until we decided that we should call it a night. The lack of media throughout the day encouraged me to have more interaction with my friends and family when i was with them, but when i was by myself i wasn't to excited about not listening to music. Not using my phone all day was also a challenge because i kept it in my pocket to check the time and in case of emergency.

1 comment:

  1. Dustin, I'm glad to hear you were able to use the time freed up by not using mass media to connect with your family. It's all too easy to get caught up in our "digital diversions" at the expense of actually talking and listening to our loved ones.
