Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day one

The day I started my project was on Saturday.  I woke up at 2 pm that day for two reasons.   The first was that I slept late and the other was I did not srt up the alarm clock.  When I got up, I took a shower and went to my friend's house. It was the first time  I drove without listening to my stereo, and it felt so weird.  My friend asked me why did I not call him and I told him I did not use my cellphone because of the project.  He made fun of me, he could not believe I can live without my cell or stereo.  We made a bet of  20 dollars. It was hard for me at first, but for a while it was ok.  That day was an important game on TV.  My favorite soccer team was in playoffs.  And I had already made plans to watch the game with my friends.  I could not miss it and I broke the rule of watching TV.  We went to a restaurant to watch it. 

With the computer, I did not have any problem.  It was at home, and I only stopped by to take a shower, so I did not use it at all.  Unfortunately, I lost the bet with my friend because that night, I received a call from a friend from Mexico, the reason I answered was because I thought it was something important.  He was in San Antonio and wanted to hang out.  After that call, I noticed it was impossible to be without a cellphone because of emergencies,  I don't know how our parents, lived without them. 

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