Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 2

I woke up on Sunday at 1 pm . I went to my aunt house because we where having a barbecue. The whole family get together because of the mother day. On my way to my aunt house on the car my mom was listening to the music so there were nothing I could do. When I get to the house my little cousin asked me that if he could borrow my cellphone to play some games. That really help me a lot. I spend more time with my mom. On there I was having a really good time with my family that I really not needed to use my cellphone at all. There were computers on the house but I didn't used I prefered to be on the swimming pool or doing other things. The only mass media that I used that day was the TV. The reason I watched is because my family after we finish to eat they all went to watch a Mexican program that everyone watch it on Mexico. There was a really difficult and weird experience by doing this project. There is going to be always a mass media on our lives. It is really difficult today to be without any mass media. For example if I wouldn't had my cellphone on Saturday I wouldn't hang out with my friend that I hadnt't see it on a while. The mass media that was the most difficult to no use is the phone. It is really necesary for many things.

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