Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday, Day 1

Friday wasn’t to bad I didn’t have school or work so not using my alarm on my phone didn’t feel that different. I got up, ate some breakfast, and then went to the library to study for finals and look over reviews. So not having my phone on me was quite helpful because I’m usually always checking my phone or talking to someone. After I went home, took my dog to the park and gave her a walk. All awhile when this was happening that’s when I started to really dislike not using my phone because I started to notice how hard it is. As well I’m slowly seeing myself doing random activities that I wouldn’t have done. Honestly when I got home from the library I probably would have just watched a movie or be texting my friends and figuring out what my plans are. Instead when I got home I just laid down trying to figure out what to do now cause at this point I was running out of ideas. Sitting next to me I saw tons of books that I honestly haven’t touched in years. I picked up one of them and realized I don’t remember the last time I actually read a book for fun. I used to read all the time one of my favorite authors is actually Jane Austen and luckily I still had some of her books lying around my house. I actually got half way done with the book and then I decided I was going a little crazy from not using my phone, TV, or anything else like listening to music. Fortunately I already had something planned before all this deprivation started. My best friend was having her Art Show downtown and so I got in my car again listening to no music, which was extremely difficult. Once I got there though it was nice to be surrounded by all the people, art, and the best part was they had live music playing so it was nice. I slowly felt so much more appreciative being around the lively atmosphere because with out my phone now I think of how dull my life is just because I depend on that for really any type of entertainment. So after her art show we all went out to eat downtown and seeing everyone use their phone at the table was funny because I would probably would have been on mine. Later I ended going home to one of my friends and when I go to sleep I always fall asleep with music on so not having anything playing had me feeling a little restless. Laying down thinking about my day some parts were frustrating with out a phone but it defiantly wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I don't read as much for fun as I used to either, Chelsea, which really saddens me. I remember all through grade school, high school and college always having a few books to read to pass the time, but now that's the case anymore. I think I've replaced this particular activity with surfing the Internet, which not only can be bad for my eyesight but also counterproductive if I'm not using it for self-educational purposes for good part of the time. Sure, reading for leisure is just that: leisure. But I consider that more fruitful of an endeavor than leisurely surfing the 'Net to check my Twitter or checking out music videos on YouTube. I might be more "connected" via the Internet but I don't necessarily feel I'm more knowledgeable because of it, mainly due to how I often use it. It's a great learning tool, if it's used correctly.
