Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day One-Friday

Not really sure if I'm doing this right, its my first time blogging. Oh well here it goes.

Friday is done and over with. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be considering the fact that since I don't have a car I couldn't leave the house until my dad picked me up to take me to work. As soon as I woke up I put all my handheld electronics in a plastic baggy and put them away. However I did look at my phone once or twice; I would press a few buttons just to light up the screen so I could see if I had any messages, there were a few but I'm waiting till Sunday to answer them all, if they are still relevant by then. I also found myself thinking, "when I'm done cleaning I can go watch some TV or listen to music. Oh, wait I can't," numerous times throughout the day. Another thing I noticed was that I was taking lots of little naps here and there when I wasn't sure what to do. But I did go outside and play with my two dogs for about an hour, I also caught up on some of my homework, and clean the house. I really thought that when I went to work things would get better, because I work at a movie theatre (Alamo Drafthouse). I thought to myself, "Hey, I'll be surrounded by movies and music, its not going to be such a blah day after all." I was wrong. Since Thor has recently come out it was super busy. The only music came from the lobby and I was stuck in the kitchen most of the night, or running in and out of our 6 screens. not cool at all. I found by the end of the day that I was agitated by the fact that I really couldn't listen to music to help relax from a busy day at work or watch a little bit of TV before I went to bed.

I'm hoping today will be better, both my parents are off and can take me out, wherever that may be.

P.S. its so tempting to open another tab and surf the web, or turn the TV on.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Ariel. It sounds like you're doing just fine considering what you're giving up for the sake of this project. Also sounds like you work at the Alamo Drafthouse at Park North. I love the Drafthouse; that's where I usually go to watch movies. I'd say working at a movie theater and being around movies all day is a clear advantage for you to get through this project! :)
