Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 1 Friday!

I’ve never been so sleepy in my life. I literally had about two hours of sleep because my friend needed me to take her to work at 6 in the morning! I guess it’s my fault though because I chose to stay up all night with her literally doing nothing exciting. On top of all that I didn't even have any gas so I went to the gas station and I realized I only had 5 dollars. Of course it gave me like a gallon something but still that’s basically nothing driving from North Star mall to brooks city base! As my day went by I ended up having to go to work a couple of hours later, I did go without some types of media though. I didn't read the news online because I never do. There are TVs at HEB but its not like I have time to go stand at the deli and watch it while I’m working. Not only that but its rare that I even get time to sit at home and watch TV because I’m always on the go. I think that HEB actually has music playing threw out the whole store but I don’t think anyone can actually hear it because its so loud in there for some reason. After work I decided to go home and try to sit around for a couple of minutes thinking of what I should do. I was so hungry so nothing was open around my house so i was option less so Whataburger it was. I’m not going to lie I think its nearly impossible to go without my cell phone. Even though I don’t respond to half the people that message me doesn’t mean I’m not checking it every couple of minutes. I refuse to answer the phone though so isn't that good?I ended up going to my friend’s house and he played video games for a good while. I don’t think that counts as cheating because I hate video games and I hate watching people play video games so I fell asleep because I was so bored! I woke up pretty upset because my friend literally let me sleep and didn’t wake me up! 4 AM and I had to drive home and once I got here I knocked out! I have tons of things to do this morning! So I was pretty mad that I didn’t wake up early like I planned to. I think its pretty simple to go without media in my life because all I need is my car and my credit card. Well I have to get ready to go buy my mom a dumb Louis V wallet for mother’s day. Talk about leaving me broke and I don't even has gas in my car! I think i'm going to have a dreadful time sitting in the car without the radio though. Im not looking forward to that.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Sheridan, sounds like your day was somewhat stressful. But you slogged through it and lived to tell about it. If anything, I think this project is helpful in that it shows you which types of mass media you "need" the most. I put "need" in quotes because we don't really NEED these things in the grand scheme of things, we just feel like we do, which can be a very powerful mental block for us when those things are suddenly taken away.
