Monday, May 9, 2011


So yesterday I didn't get to go to the mall like I planned to. I was running so late to work it was ridiculous actually. Ive been so lazy lately i hate working so many hours during the day especially when I don't ask for those hours. When I got there I was hoping one of the cool manager would be scheduled because some of them are so rude and unprofessional its annoying! As my day went by at work my cell phone literally kept going off. I didn't answer to anyone mainly because my phone was about to die. I cant seem to find the charger anywhere! Another day without media literally because i stayed at work till about 1 AM. HEB was so packed because of mothers day and my manager kept begging me to stay so I did. After work i walked to the parking lot and one of the employees asked if id like to go eat so I agreed. Of course he had the radio on super loud so that wasn't my fault. I do take the blame for enjoying the song because later on I decided to download the album. I just couldn't resist the temptation! I wanted the cd so bad! After I downloaded the album my best friend called me so i had to answer only because im suppose to be getting another job soon and his boss needs my schedule. Tattoo shop again here I come! Im so excited, finally I can sit around and actually do my homework and get paid to do it! I don't think I can go without certain types of media because I think Id go crazy. Literally like I cant go without using my cell phone because without it I wouldn't be able to interact with people. Not only that but, I wouldn't be able to meet up with friends also. It would be like living in a all white cube with nothing in it. I learned that media is so convenient now a days and without it people wouldn't be able to do their daily routines. I know for a fact if I lost my cell phone with all my contacts,photos and all my notes I would not only cry but I would be so angry with everyone. Its not easy to go without all these things! Media is good and bad for different reasons and I think this project made me realize that the cave men back then had it real bad and we are really lucky to have such technology to do some of our thinking for us due to time consuming situations. Im glad that we had this project because if we didn't I would have never noticed how impossible things would feel like without them. Now im going to do my homework thats due tomorrow. Twelve page paper here I come!

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